How Olympic Athletes Have Cultivated a Mindset of Creating Abundance

Article by Zhang Xinyue of Create Abundance

The Olympics are arguably the most stressful level of competition in the world. There is enormous pressure on athletes to compete from their countries, their coaches, and their sponsors. For this reason, only the athletes who are both physically and mentally strong can take home the gold.

In light of this, cultivating a positive mindset and creating abundance in your thoughts is paramount if you want to compete as an Olympic athlete. This is why medalists such as snowboarder Jamie Anderson and beach volleyball duo Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh-Jennings have included meditation as part of their preparation for winning the gold.

Meditation and positive visualization allow athletes to quiet the fears and doubts in their mind and focus on putting their best performance forward. Negative emotions can be a distraction that prevents athletes from reaching their full potential. Through meditation and mental training, athletes can focus their minds fully on the present moment. Through this heightened but relaxed concentration, all of the movements and techniques they have practiced will become almost instinctual.

When faced with the pressure to perform, many athletes begin overthinking their performance and fixating on small details. This type of overthinking causes hesitation and confusion during competition. For this reason, you must train your mind to relax through sustained practice and mental training. Meditation teaches you to perform almost subconsciously. With the right attitude and a positive mindset, you can master your mind and become one step closer to achieving your dream of being a world champion.

Zhang Xinyue is the author of the book Create Abundance. The book is a collection of Teacher Zhang Xinyue’s words of wisdom concerning body-mind-spirit cultivation. Originally published in 2012, it has remained a best seller. It has been translated to numerous languages.  

Best Clothing for Comfort During your Meditation Practices

Millions of people around the world are trying meditation for the first time and there is a good reason for this. The world has been turned upside down for the last few years and so many people are worried about the future. We are all looking for ways to relax and enjoy our lives once again. Meditation can help. This is an inexpensive and easy way to find peace within yourself.

Zhang Xinyue has written a book called “Create Abundance” with wise sayings, such as:

“Compared with the evolutionary project of the soul, physical material is nothing but a lollipop. All is for growth.”

You need a quiet place where you can meditate each day. This could be a bedroom, a porch or a closet. Relaxing music can also help. Some people light candles or incense to improve the mood. The most important aspect of meditating is to get comfortable. Be sure to wear loose fitting clothing that doesn’t bind you anywhere. Take off your shoes and socks and wiggle your toes. Meditating is all about letting go of fears and worries and finding a place of peace within yourself.

Try these pants for a comfortable fit:

You can wear this shirt all day and be comfy:

This shirt could be worn with any outfit:

Zhang Xinyue has other quotes from her book:

“You can become the creator of your own life play creating all that includes ways of living, reacting and dying, among others.”

How Can Failure Help Us Win?

Article provided by Zhang Xinyue of Create Abundance

Psychologists tell us how important it is to reaffirm to our kids that they are loved, wanted, intelligent and can do anything they set their minds to. When children don’t receive this affirmation growing up, they often do become low achievers. However, a select few just take this lack of encouragement as a sign that they’ll need to work harder to make it.

Abraham Lincoln was defeated in 26 political campaigns.  He also failed at various business ventures and even declared bankruptcy twice over his lifetime.  Something in him made him keep trying though and in November of 1860, he became America’s 16th president. His Emancipation Proclamation in 1862 freed slaves in 10 states. His Gettysburg Address delivered in 1863 announced to the masses that America was a nation, “conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”

Though he was assassinated in 1865, his radical ideologies changed the face of our nation. The course of history was altered by Lincoln’s beliefs that no human being should be the property of another.

In wholly different venues, men like Walt Disney and Ludwig von Beethoven changed our lives as well. Their contributions were timeless, but they too, were told as children that they would never amount to anything.  Sometimes people become so discouraged by bad childhood experiences that they are emotionally crippled but a select few just take the negative events in stride and use them as stepping stones to success.

Even if you’ve struggled with issues in your sporting career, don’t give up. Keep working hard. Create that abundance mindset that will take you over the finish line in glorious victory.

With many years as a well-known spiritualist leader and teacher in her field, Zhang Xinyue is known for a variety of achievements. Her creation of the Abundance system aims to promote a meaningful and straight forward approach to life’s philosophical issues. In 2012 she wrote her best-selling book Create Abundance. The book is a collection of quotes containing words of wisdom on how to develop body-mind-spirit cultivation.

Her book was released initially in Chinese, but it is also available in English and other languages now. A second version of the book has also recently been released.

Are you Reaching Your Full Potential?

Article provided by Zhang Xinyue of Create Abundance

As a pioneer in this life, we must combine multiple strategies in order to reach our full potential. If you’re in business or an athlete, perhaps a soccer player, you’ll want to get the amazing results you know are possible. Few people today are truly reaping those incredible rewards that could be theirs.

Are your ready to create that magical buzz about who you are and what you do? Are you ready to move to the next level? If so, it requires new strategies. Remember that the old strategies have gotten you where you are today, so perhaps it’s time to throw out the old and rethink things.

Think of yourself as a Brand. You are like a new individual just starting out in life. Change those old view of life and become a more interesting and valuable person. Someone with greater skills and a keen personality.

Begin by outlining what you would like this new individual to look and feel like. Describe this person that you want to become. Then begin meditating each day on these new traits. You can change everything in your life and actually become this person over time.

As you focus on this new person and think about who they are and what their skills are, you can see yourself becoming this individual. Continue to meditate each day. Write down characteristics of this person and see yourself that way.

You may want to become a famous writer or a successful business person. You may want to be a successful soccer player or a baseball player. Change your thinking and you can become anyone you desire to be.

Dr. Zhang Xinyue is well respected Chinese spiritual leader and psychologist.  With a simple style, her book, Create Abundance, published in 2012, works her way into the depths of people’s hearts and has ever since remained a best seller for body-mind-spirit cultivation. Living abroad, Teacher Zhang Xinyue of Create Abundance is currently conducting a field of social research as she travels around the world.

The book was originally released in Chinese but now it is also available in English and other languages now. In her book, Teacher Xinyue encourages every individual to grow through self-help. She hopes that every reader starts to practice being their own mentor and learns to transform awareness into wisdom autonomously.

Soccer Greats Admit that Meditating Does Help

Article provided by Zhang Xinyue of Create Abundance

With so many athletes now in competition for top spots in their sport, every team member is looking for a way to edge out the competition. For some, meditating has been a game changer. When the player learns the art of meditating, he begins to tap into his subconscious mind. Athletes in many fields are reporting that this has improved their game.

Meditating works because it teaches the individual to focus their mind. As soccer players get better at the art of meditating, they can reach a higher consciousness. Teachers of this ancient art form tell us that this practice can help an individual be free of worry and apprehension. Learning how to truly relax and destress can help us in our business and personal lives.

In the world of sports, it is very common to see athletes concerned about their performance and their careers. There are always younger and better players coming along. An amazing way to overcome worries like this is by meditating.

Begin by finding a quiet place and closing your eyes. It’s important to block out the world around you and focus your mind on nothing. That is the essence of meditating. You learn how to clear your mind of all distractions and let go of all earthly concerns. Deep breathing exercises can even help to control problems like high blood pressure. It is possible to reach a state of total bliss where nothing exists except you. Practices like this have shown to help soccer players and other athletes to improve their games.

With many years as a well known spiritualist leader and teacher in her field, Zhang Xinyue is known for a variety of achievements. Her creation of the Abundance system aims to promote a meaningful and straight forward approach to life’s philosophical issues. In 2012, she finished one of her best-selling books, Create Abundancev. The book is a collection of quotes containing words of wisdom on how to develop body-mind-spirit cultivation.

 Zhang Xinyue’s Create Abundance was initially released in Chinese, but it is also available in English and other languages now. A second version of the book has also recently been released.