How Olympic Athletes Have Cultivated a Mindset of Creating Abundance

Article by Zhang Xinyue of Create Abundance

The Olympics are arguably the most stressful level of competition in the world. There is enormous pressure on athletes to compete from their countries, their coaches, and their sponsors. For this reason, only the athletes who are both physically and mentally strong can take home the gold.

In light of this, cultivating a positive mindset and creating abundance in your thoughts is paramount if you want to compete as an Olympic athlete. This is why medalists such as snowboarder Jamie Anderson and beach volleyball duo Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh-Jennings have included meditation as part of their preparation for winning the gold.

Meditation and positive visualization allow athletes to quiet the fears and doubts in their mind and focus on putting their best performance forward. Negative emotions can be a distraction that prevents athletes from reaching their full potential. Through meditation and mental training, athletes can focus their minds fully on the present moment. Through this heightened but relaxed concentration, all of the movements and techniques they have practiced will become almost instinctual.

When faced with the pressure to perform, many athletes begin overthinking their performance and fixating on small details. This type of overthinking causes hesitation and confusion during competition. For this reason, you must train your mind to relax through sustained practice and mental training. Meditation teaches you to perform almost subconsciously. With the right attitude and a positive mindset, you can master your mind and become one step closer to achieving your dream of being a world champion.

Zhang Xinyue is the author of the book Create Abundance. The book is a collection of Teacher Zhang Xinyue’s words of wisdom concerning body-mind-spirit cultivation. Originally published in 2012, it has remained a best seller. It has been translated to numerous languages.